The following students were promoted this week in Spelling Promotion:
Jyrome, Cody and Fesny.
Awesome. I am super proud of you. Mrs E.
This week we finally finished our letters to send around the world with Flat Stanley.
Tomorrow we are walking down to the post box to send them to our friends and family.
Hopefully we will all get an email or a letter back with a photo of Flat Stanley somewhere exciting in another part of the world.
We will be tracking the countries we send him to on our world map. Be sure to keep checking our Blog and we will report where in the world he gets to!
We had our Goal Setting Meetings this week and I was thrilled to be able to meet with all of the parents in my class. Thank you all for making the time and effort to come and discuss your childs' goals with me. It was very valuable to meet and learn more about all the wonderful students in my class. It reaffirmed what amazing children I have in my class.